The project

Is it possible to create an entire cross platform e-Health monitor tool in effectively three weeks without writing a single line of code? We did exactly that! Using the technology Mendix, we made a tool that gives you a summary of all your eHealth devices (for example a heart rate sensor) and lets your family doctor and possibly a care taker send you recommendations as a response.
The eHealth monitor can be deployed in the Cloud and from there works on every platform: iPhones, Androids and laptops. We did this without writing a single line of Java, Python or C++, meaning it could be further developed by someone without an explicit technical background. Mendix shows the future of truly accessible programming.

The customer

Our customer was Accenture. Accenture prides itself in providing unmatched services to its clients. Services in strategy, consulting, technology & operations. For this project we worked with Accenture’s Liquid Studios in Utrecht. Liquid Studios aims to improve delivering software, by rapidly prototyping using the latest technologies. By means of brain storming, experimentation and working with rapid development methodologies like scrum, they can deliver applications out of concepts in a matter of days instead of months. In this project, we applied the same methodologies.

"Working on a Software Engineering project taught us to never trust a first estimate, as person-hours can melt away like snow in the sun."
The team

We are an inter-disciplinary team of three Computer Science & Economy, two Physics and one Automation Engineering bachelor students.

The technologies


No programming languages!