Hedy Language to Turtle Code

The Product

Learning how to program has never been easier. With the newly launched Hedy programming language (2020) learning how to code can be taught within multiple and uncomplicated steps. Specifically speaking, Hedy has seventeen levels where you can develop and improve your programming skills. The more you familiarize with this coding environment, the greater the chance for you to master the levels.

The Hedy language is a gradual programming language, designed specifically for children wanting to learn how to code. Our existing and growing user base is proof of the positive impact Hedy has made since its inception and is able to make in the near future. Hedy supports sixteen languages, under which English, Dutch, Spanish, and even Chinese. Furthermore, it offers some interesting functions. A notable feature is the Turtle function which you can use to draw in Hedy. Next we have the Story function, where you can make your own story using Hedy. And even games as Rock, paper, scissors, can be played. How cool is that!

In addition, we value user feedback and are developing new features for our users. For instance, the program automatic repair function will help kids repair bugs or errors which will encourage them to learn coding in a positive way. In conclusion, Hedy is the right choice for you and your children who want to learn programming!

The Customer

Many of our team members knew who the client was before starting the project. This is because for some team members Felienne gave two courses (Introduction to Programming for example). The client also worked with us on the project since she is the creator of the project. She was very accessible and reacted to emails or GitHub comments often within hours. As for verbal communication, we held video meetings once in three weeks. We as a team have also met Felienne once by going to her guest lecture at the University. Overall, the communication mostly went through Github. This seemed most efficient for our client.

As a team, we enjoyed working for Felienne. This might be a mutual thought since Roos and Felicia will continue to work with Felienne on Hedy for their bachelor thesis projects.

"We might not be great programmers, but we are good programmers with great habits."
The Team

Our team consisted of 6 members. There were two Computer Science & Economics students, three Computer Science students, and one "schakeljaar" student who originally studied International Relations and Organizations. Because of our various backgrounds, we have tried to find tasks that fit each person best. This resulted in great teamwork.

The teamwork was very pleasant and positive. We have held weekly sprints and had online meetings every Tuesday at a certain time. Because of the agreements that we have made early in the course, every team member remember and prioritized to show up. Everyone had issues assigned to their name and would give an update on Tuesday on how these issues went. Then a sprint planning would happen and new issues would be assigned to every team member. This caused us to be productive on a regular and reliable basis.

We are very proud and happy with our end result for the project.

The Technologies