Leidsche Flesch Bookkeeping

The Product

Are you tired of messy file systems? Do you have never-ending stacks of paper? Then our product, BK52, is just right for you.

Many companies and associations must deal with refund-declarations. For businesses that do this manually this creates many stacks of paper, even for associations with few members. Consequently, administration becomes inefficient as administrators lose overview and make mistakes. Additionally, all this paper is bad for the environment and costly both in budget and space. Overall, manual administration of refund-declarations creates inconvenient situations for these companies, and their customers or members. BK52 is intended to be used by association members who want to apply for a refund on their purchase. The treasurer will be able to authorize this refund. Once the refund is initiated by the treasurer a unique PDF-file for each transaction will be stored in a database.

Our product includes a user-friendly form, allowing logged-in users to issue refund-declarations. BK52 then automatically converts this form into a PDF-file and saves it at a suitable location. We guarantee these files have unique names, to prevent conflicts from arising. For administrators, like treasures, who need to efficiently process declarations, BK52 is a refund-declaration application which digitizes this key part of administration through an online form and automatic PDF converter. Unlike a traditional manual approach, our product ensures efficiency, security and saves costs and space by eliminating the need for stacks of paper. With the future moving more towards automation it is about time that the financial sector also moves forwards. BK52 will help in this very problem.

The Customer

Our customer was the student association De Leidsche Flesch. It is a student association for students who study physics, astronomy, computer science and maths. Most of the time we had contact with Tom Borsje, who is in the board of this student association. He was a really nice guy, a little older than us and we had good contact with him. We got his phone number so we would be able to communicate a lot faster with eachother. He thought along very well about how the design of the webpage should be, how the messages to the members of the student association should look and about what the requirements for this project were.

"Bonding with your team is a bit challenging at the beginning, but further in the project this hard work pays out.", "There are a lot more challenges with software engineering than you can think off when you start."
The Team

Our team did not really know eachother before the project, but two members of the team live in the same house, so they connected the team. During the project we had a lot of fun working with eachother. We were working serious on the project, but there were also moments we were just talking and laughing, so the atmosphere was really good. Furthermore, during the project we did sprint retrospects. During these retrospects we tried to come up with things that could be done better, but in the end we weren't able to come up with anything anymore, because the process was going really well.

We're students Computer Science and Computer Science & Economics. This helped us during the project, because the Computer Science students have a lot of knowledge about the technologies we were using and the Computer Science & Economics students were better in documenting the process and the usage of Scrum.

The Technologies