Virtual Interactive Dice Game

The Product

How cool is it to make a good sounding piece of music by throwing a few dices? Our delivered product replicates Mozart's musical play that makes a piece of music by chance. In this game you don't need to have any knowledge of music to be a composer. Mozart has designed this music game in such a way that every combination of music mates makes a beautiful piece of music. By swiping on a touchscreen screen you roll the dices and the notes are generated based on that. Then you can hear your own piece of music. It is therefore also intended for all ages. Kids can use their hands on a touchscreen to roll the dice, and after that they hear fun music. And people who understand music see that the music mates correspond to what they hear. They also notice when playing the game again that a new piece of music is generated, which also sounds good again. The theme of the Museum Speelklok exhibition therefore fits in perfectly with our project, which is 'coincidence' and 'arbitrariness'. Adding the dice to our project thus highlights the theme.

The Customer

Our customer was Museum Speelklok. We had contact with our customer every two weeks. These meetings were very helpful both for us and the customer. We could get a good idea of what the customer wanted. We knew what we needed to implement and could get feedback on what we had already implemented. The customer got to see the product develop in stages. This way they got feedback about the application and could steer us in the direction they wanted the application to go. They were clear on what they wanted and they had the knowledge to guide us to a product that they would like. They did not have knowledge about coding but they did have a vision for the way they wanted the application to look like and how they wanted it to work. There always was good communication to find a middle ground between what the customer wanted and what we saw as feasible. Both we and the customer were quick to respond. We never had any problems with the communication and really enjoyed working with Museum Speelklok.

"If it works don't break it", "More testing!"
The Team

Our team consists of Tony, Bart, Nils, Matthijs, Sven and Emilia. Nils took the role of scrum master and Sven that of product owner. De rest of the team did most of the software development, but the scrum master and product owner also contributed by writing code. We had weekly scrum meetings where we discussed what each member had done that week and any problems that were faced. We documented every meeting. For communication during the week, we used WhatsApp to let team members know if we were making progress or if there were any problems that other team members could fix in order to be able to continue a task. This way, everyone was always informed of the progress of other team members and of what was still to be done. We found that this way of communicating worked very well for us.

The Technologies