The Product

Cyberattacks are on the rise. As an SME, you want to defend your company as efficiently as possible. This can have several origins, including the need to protect your business from cyberattacks, comply with laws and regulations, and build trust with your customers. The world of cybersecurity is changing rapidly with upcoming cyber threats and new regulations. Cybersecurity maturity assessments and cybersecurity standardization can be used to implement tools against cyber threats and provide assurance for regulators. There are many of these assessments and standards. The question then arises: "Which assessments and standards to choose?" This is where the ASMAS framework offers a solution. ASMAS integrates cybersecurity maturity assessments and international standards, thus enabling tailored cybersecurity for SMEs. With ASMAS, you can assess your company based on globally accepted standards and assessments. ASMAS also offers advice on improving weak aspects of your company's cybersecurity, and it shows where vulnerabilities lie and how you could approach them. By using ASMAS, you are assured of a reliable assessment. There is no reason to hire cybersecurity specialists anymore. From now on, you are entirely in charge of the security of your SME. Within a few simple clicks, you will have a complete and reliable overview in no time, saving you time and money. All in all, ASMAS is THE application to map out how your SME is doing in cyber security.

The Customer

Our customers for this project were Marco Spruit and Bilge Ozkan. Bilge was a Ph.D. student of Marco and created the ASMAS project, and we were asked to turn that project into a working application. As Bilge was no longer working at Leiden University, it was hard to keep in touch. Bilge attended our first and last meetings and gave feedback on our project. Our primary customer was Marco. He had less knowledge of the system than Bilge but was able to help us create this app. Marco responded quickly to our emails and was enthusiastic about our progress.

  • “It’s not a bug, it’s a undocumented feature”
  • “ 'Software Developer' - An organism that turns caffeine into software”
  • "A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.”
The Team

All of our team members agree that our teamwork was good. Everybody on the team had their strengths, and we used them well. We could divide all the work amongst ourselves, and we adapted quickly when we lost one team member. Another team member took over the role of scrum master, and other team members continued the work of the lost team member. We mainly worked in two teams and divided each task into a “team” or an individual assignment. Our communication was mainly via Whatsapp, which means we could keep each other up to date during each sprint. Our meetings were sometimes online and sometimes in person. We were mainly able to plan a meeting with the whole team present, but when a team member could not attend a meeting, the others would inform that team member immediately after the meeting.

The Technologies