The Product

The field of quantum computing has been studied by many researchers around the world. Quantum computers are known for their fast computation speed for several computational problems, such as cryptography. However, quantum computing may seem new to many people. This project aims to provide users who have an interest in quantum computing, with the basic underlying principles of quantum computing, specifically the quantum bit. Users can read information about the quantum bit. And they can even play a quiz to determine the value of quantum bits. By doing the quiz, users can gain insights about the pattern of the wave which help them to determine the value of different quantum waves. After a user has participated in the qubit game, a score is shown. This score is determined by the amount of answers the user has guessed correctly. Afterward, the user can add their score to the leaderboard and compare it to others that have also completed the challenge.

The Customer

The customer has a very clear vision of the product. He has already started building the web application. We discussed and gathered the requirements with the customer in our first meeting. The customer is easy to reach via email. Every two weeks we have a meeting with the customer to review our deliverables and discuss features that we will work on in the next sprint. Overall, the customer is very satisfied with the end product that we have physically demonstrated in the last sprint review.

  • “Building software leads you learn new technologies”
  • “Communication is crucial when it comes to building software”
  • “Engage the customer during requirement gathering and requirement validation”
The Team

First off, the team consists of six people and was in the first few weeks of the project divided into two workgroups. Each group would consist of three people and would work on either the front end of the project or the back end. However, when a group member would struggle with their tasks, any member of the project could also take a look to help. Communication would primarily be done via Whatsapp within the group. Client meetings would be on MS teams however. Every two weeks we would hold physical sprint meetings on campus on thursdays. Client meetings would also be every two weeks. Besides the sprint meetings, available team members worked on campus together during each lab session.

The Technologies