Tissue image analysis

The project

Our project extended a must-have tool for tissue image research with an easy-to-use user interface. This is not only of great value to the research of our user/client, but for others who want to visualize tissue data. While we did not manage to finish all requirements in time, we documented the code so that other software engineers can continue the work.

The customer

Our customer was Antonis Somarakis, a PhD candidate at the LUMC in the Leiden Data Science Research Programme. Antonis developed the relevant framework and analysis tool for his research, and we extended the framework with data visualization.

"The most challenging part about Software Engineering is planning: One never knows where bugs and challenges are going to appear, and how long it will take to fix them."
The team

We had an interdisciplinary team that consisted of Computer Science (CS) students and Computer Science & Economics (CS&E) students. The majority of programming was done by the CS students,and the majority of planning and management was done by the CS&E students.

The technologies