Children Stories

The project

Our project's goal has been to create an app which allows the recording of children's stories. Our client currently visits schools with a recorder in order to record stories which they use to conduct research. With an app they would no longer be required to visit the schools, but can instead just give the school a tablet or ask the school to download the app themselves. This is extra relevant now in times of the pandemic, but would be useful in normal circumstances as wel since it saves our client precious time visited schools. The app is currently operating locally on the device but would be improved even more when a server is added.

The customer

Our clients are Bram van Dijk and Max van Duijn, they work together on this project. Our main contact person for questions has been Bram and we have had weekly meetings with him where we were able to show off our progress and where Bram was able to make suggestions or changes. Max has been there for the final evaluation and to ask questions on how to improve the project further.

"Our Student Assistant has taught us a lot."
The team

Our team consists of three computer science students and four bioinformatics students. At the start of the project we have split our team up in groups of two because we found that our computer science students had more experience with programming. In this way we have worked together well and have not experienced many issues. Our communication could have been improved however.

The technologies