Operational profile analysis

The project

We present a data analysis tool to support naval architects in creating operational profiles. The tool consists of a web interface and server back-end.
Large data sets can be uploaded to the website ready to be worked on. The tool presents various graphing options like mapping the trajectory of a vessel on a world map, analysing wind patterns relative to the orientation of the vessel, creating wave scatter plots of wind and swell waves, and performing frequency analysis of environmental conditions like temperature, precipitation and atmospheric pressure.
The to be plotted data can be filtered on all possible other values in the data set, which allows for the creation of an operational profile under precise conditions, such as when a vessel is subject to wind speeds exceeding a certain velocity or strong tidal currents. All plots can be exported as images that can be used in a report. Common plot types are available as presets and user-created filters are saved for later use. Switching between data sets can be done at the click of a button, which makes for easy comparisons. In conclusion, the analysis of large data sets by naval architects has been greatly simplified and made interactive.

The customer

C-Job Naval Architects is a dedicated partner for ship owners and shipyards. With their knowledge and skills they translate the customer’s ideas into achievable designs. Whatever vessel a customer may need, they offer solutions that will empower their business. C-Job believes that advanced ship designs and high-quality engineering solutions only come about when there is intensive cooperation with the client. The ideas and ambitions of C-Job’s clients are transformed into a practical ship design with the latest technical and sustainable design solutions. Enceladus+ has been contracted through Ludev to work on a new branch of C-Job’s R&D: Operational Profile Analysis.

"On Microsoft Teams or on Github? Github, preferably."
The team

Enceladus+, named after one of the moons of Saturn, is a software development team from Leiden University consisting of seven members. Five of us study Computer Science, one studies Computer Science & Economy, and one studies Astronomy.

The technologies