JLPT Website

The Product

Leiden University hosts the only Japanese Language Proficiency test in the Netherlands. Currently, the website where users can apply for the test is basic. Our newly updated website accommodates a seamless organization of the test. The new Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) website makes great improvements to the user experience for both users and administrators. It is dynamic and shows the amount of free test places for the users, before applying. On the administrative end, all steps are automated. When an application is finished, the system automatically sends an email to the user with an automatically generated ticket. This significantly reduces the amount of work that needs to be done manually by the administrators.

The Customer

The meeting with the client was quickly arranged. The client presented to us the current version of his website, mentioned which parts were especially important to him and thought along with us about what was possible. As developers it is always pleasant when a client has realistic expectations. The client was a person with clear requirements and who was easy to communicate with.

"Linking everything together is the hard part", "Communication carries the team"
The Team

Our team consisted of six computer scientists, two of whom are following the 'Computer Science & Economics' specialization. Instead of splitting the project in to six parts we split the project up in to three parts, since we decided on forming pairs of two. Each pair focused on either the front-end, back-end or the deliverables.

The Technologies