Indoor localization and identification of humanoid robots / humans with ultra-sound

The Product

The Localization Positioning System is a state-of-the-art research project by Ir. Richard van Dijk. By using ultra-sound, it is possible to localize and identify humanoids in indoor environments. This project serves as a starting point for this system, where new insights are implemented and assessed.

The Customer

Richard van Dijk is an experienced research programmer who recently joined LIACS. He has 30 years of experience in the IT business. The Localization Positioning System is his own idea, and he is actively looking for students to help him realize it. We had a close cooperation with him, as he would propose certain methods or formulas to be part of the system. Our project serves a starting point for his further implementation, which will be used to gather data about people’s trajectories in a given space. Possible results of his research could be a scientific publication and/or bringing the system onto the consumer market.

“Scrum is a process framework that has been used to manage work on complex products.”, “Testing is not verification but validation (no completeness guarantees).”
The Team

Our team consists of five members:

The Technologies