Our project was to make a renewed version of the Confez application in use at the Auditdienst Rijk (ADR). This application is used to audit the spending of ministries of the Dutch government and to make sure that everything is done according to the rules. The renewed version would be a web-app that is built in the flask framework.
Our customer was the Auditdienst Rijk (ADR), which is a part of the ministry of finance. The ADR is the independent internal auditor of the dutch central government. Its tasks are to check financial reports and to conduct research into budgetary management, financial management and material business operations.
We divided the work based on peoples abilities and interests, in our first meeting we divided the broad categories of work amongst ourselves, like back-end front-end, CI/CD, the database, client contact etc. This split worked very well because the people who were assigned parts of the project they were interested / proficient in made valuable contributions to the end-product.