The Product

This project focused on developing the core functionalities of an interactive educational platform tailored for high school gym classes. The system is designed to facilitate interactive learning and efficient management of educational resources, enhancing the teaching and learning experience in gym classes. The platform supports user authentication, enabling teachers and students to create accounts and log in securely. Teachers have the capability to upload educational materials, create multiple-choice quizzes, incorporate video content from YouTube, and organize classes by subject. Students can join these classes, participate in quizzes, monitor their progress, and view their scores. However, certain features were excluded from this initial development stage and are planned for future iterations. These include sending email notifications about new quizzes, enabling co-teacher functionality for quiz adjustments, supporting multiple question types and languages, allowing teachers to see specific student answers, and providing students with the ability to review their quiz answers after submission.

The Customer

Daniël Spanjaard studied his bachelor health, sports and lifestyle at Inholland University of Applied Sciences from 2006-2010 and went on to study PE teaching at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences from 2010 to 2012, which he finished with a 9. He then did his MSc in Sports at the HAN University of Applied Sciences from 2016-2018 and is currently active as a teacher for HALO at the Haagse Hogeschool (The Hague University of Applied Sciences), since 2020. He wanted us to build an online environment where high schoolers could receive video assignments to watch/finish at home, so PE teachers wouldn't have to explain sports during classes.

  • "Focus on the process and the results will come."
  • "Testing leads to failure, and failure leads to understanding."
The Team

We evenly distributed the work in our team. To reduce dependability on each other’s work progress, we tried our best to divide the tasks and responsibilities into independent packages in which we could work alongside each other. This way, everyone was able to work at their own pace and time. When the workload was more than expected in hindsight, we had no problem asking for help and assisting each other. Every person was given a technical and organizational responsibility to cover every part of the project. This way everyone got to be part of the programming and work process.

The Technologies