The Product

The product CHDR required was an application in the form of a questionnaire (a sub model to their program) where a participant will answer a set of questions after they have been administered a drug. The questions are answered by selecting a spot on a slider than ranges between 0 to 100. Such a slider is called a VAS scale. These questions can range between how one is feeling at a particular moment or asking the participant to select the middle value to test their cognitive functions as a test. The application works in a dynamic way that allows the research assistants to easily use different questionnaires and also gives a variety of ways to change the style of the application.

The Customer

Our client, CHDR, is a human drug testing facility. The contactperson for the project was Vasileios Exadaktylos. The client was flexible in regards to meeting times and location. After the initial physical meeting and second physical meeting there after we met in Microsoft Teams. CHDR had a clear vision for the product. They did not want defer from this initial vision which resulted in a less creative environment. In conclusion, CHDR received a product they wished to have with the exact requirements they communicated.

  • "Correct communication is the cornerstone of a healthy development process"
  • "A team has to exploit individual talents and compensate for each other shortcomings"
The Team

We collaborated with the aid of scrum sprints. With a 2 week sprint cycle we assigned specific tasks to each group member and evaluated everything that has been done in the meetings on Monday. By using this distribution it was clear to everyone what their tasks were and led to a well divided workload.

The Technologies