The Product

Museum Speelklok is a museum that is situated in the beautiful Buurkerk in the city center of Utrecht. This museum lets you experience the wonderful world of self-playing instruments. Where, for the youth, the musical collection steals the show, the older visitors are also attracted to the history of the building. The Museum is in possession of a lot of historic documents about this rich history of the Buurkerk. The only thing that was lacking, was a means of distributing this information to the visitors of the museum and other interested parties. Thus, Museum Speelklok commissioned us to develop a web application through which the history of the Buurkerk can be discovered. This web application had to include an interactive map with points of interest in the building and pages with accessible information that, for example, tell part of the history of the Buurkerk or show historic events that happened in the building.

The Customer

The customer for this project was Museum Speelklok. The first meeting we had was an online meeting during which most of the requirements were specified by the customer. During this meeting they immediately invited us to visit the museum during one of the following weeks, which we did shortly after. This invitation and their way of communicating with us directly gave us a good feeling about the customer. In general, the communication with the customer went smooth. Throughout the project we had an online meeting every second Tuesday. These meetings were used for giving updates about the progress of the application and for receiving feedback from the customer. Outside of these meetings, there was one main point of contact on the customer side with whom our team leader communicated by e-mail. During our last meeting, the customer also invited us to pay another visit to the museum once the web application is online to which we look forward!

  • "The secret of getting things done is to act." ― Dante Alighieri
  • "Conditions may change during the battle, therefore in order to gain victory the tactics should be changed according to the changing conditions." ― Sun Tzu
The Team

Our team consists of Computer Science and Economics students (Max de Vlieger, Leonard Medina, Koen van der Velden and David van Harrewijn) and regular Computer science students (Lucas Zuurmond and Niels Heslenfeld). We were all knowledgeable about the different roles within Scrum and how to work by that methodology. Additionally all of us were developers within the project (worked on the project itself). Furthermore, Max de Vlieger had the additional role of being the Scrum Master, leading the scrum meetings and adding new tasks to the scrum board. We worked in sprints of 2 weeks, were after every sprint the tasks were distributed based on background knowledge and a fair distribution of amount of hours each person worked on the project. We had a clear DoR (definition of ready) and DoD (definition of done). Not every functionality was done in the preferred time frame. Although, at the end the client got all the wanted functionalities of their website. Finally, every team member did their fair amount of work.

The Technologies